Leo Kesting Gallery in the Meat Packing District Presents:
Jonny Fenix - The Show Up
May 29 - June 15, 2008
Opening Night Reception: Thursday May 29th from 7:00 – 10:00 pm
812 Washington St (at the corner of Gansevoort) New York NY 10014
Jonny Fenix, Los Angeles renegade currently hiding out in Portland, Oregon, brings fresh canvas this May to Leo Kesting Gallery for his first solo exhibition at the new Manhattan space. His latest collection entitled, The Show Up, solidifies Fenix’s satirical approach to digesting the contradictions of mass media and the reality they gloss over.
Catholic imagery engages this new collection in a mass of visual dialog. Fenix’s recent painting, “A Note to All Indigenous Peoples Everywhere”, can be viewed as a “reaction to the sanitation and colonization of native people everywhere, being ‘saved’ by the church is a synonym for native cultures introduction to disease, slavery and reform,” explains Fenix.
for more info, go to http://www.leokesting.com